

As a specialist you are good in your profession, but you experience struggles in entrepreneurship, such as with your social media, positioning, communication, attracting the right customers and generating more income. You are missing a sparring partner, a sounding board, a specialist with experience in the fashion, beauty & lifestyle industry, who knows what is going on in your market and can help you to grow further with your salon, clinic or institute. A partner who occasionally holds up a mirror to you, comes up with countless ideas and helps you maintain focus and give you confidence. You are not distracted by what others do, but you stay close to yourself, you rely on your own strength, you know what you stand for and you dare to do business. Every entrepreneur sometimes “gets stuck” and needs a sparring partner. Me too! I even have several partners. In recent years I have been a sparring partner for many customers. I am very happy with the growth that the beauty entrepreneurs then experience! By having done thousands of cases in the fashion, beauty & lifestyle industry, working with this market every day and gaining years of experience in branding, entrepreneurship, social media and communication, I can guide and advise you perfectly. Would you like … discover what you stand for and stand out from the competition. concrete tools and tools to improve your online visibility, social media and positioning. spar with a partner specialized in your industry, who can advise you and help you with your challenges, so that you do not hesitate and can continue to do business with confidence. focus and stay close to yourself and not be distracted by what the competition is doing.


Period: 6 months

  • incl. online program: Strong foundation, ideal customer, your signature offer
  • incl. online instagram and content training
  • 2 hours per month a coaching conversation by means of a video call
  • 1 x free strategy meeting (intake)

For whom?

Your business is running, but you would like to continue. You are satisfied with your image, but now you really want to attract that ideal customer, strengthen your online position and generate more turnover. It lacks direction and focus. You want to grow, distinguish yourself and stand out online, but you don’t know how.

You need a sparring partner who gives you some tools, so that you can start again with confidence and focus.


Period: 3 months

  • incl. online program: Strong foundation, ideal customer, your signature offer
  • incl. online instagram and content training
  • 2 hours per month a coaching conversation by means of a video call per month
  • 1 x free strategy meeting (intake)

For whom?

You want to be guided, get tools and learn how you can approach your social media step by step, how to attract your ideal customer and discover how you can be distinctive.

Or you run into a number of challenges, you are distracted by the competition, you are in doubt and you need a sparring partner who gives you some tools, so that you can start again with confidence and focus. You need a BOOST, so that you can continue afterwards.


Period: 4 hours (max 1 half day)

  • incl. online program: Strong foundation, ideal customer, your signature offer (mandatory)
  • incl. online instagram and content training (option extra € 400)
  • Live at my office in Maastricht
  • 1 x free strategy meeting (intake)

For whom?

You “get stuck” with your business. You do not remember, you have countless ideas, the focus is gone for a while, you are distracted and doubts increase. What now? This happens to all of us and then you need someone who holds up a mirror and can advise you step by step, so you know what to focus on, what your plan will be, how you can leave your business grow and improve your online position.